Our Mission in Blues
The Delta Blues Promotions is here to serve all of your Blues,soul, rhythm and Blues needs. If you
are looking for Blues for the weekend,or just a party, the Blues is here. If your needs requires a band or singer for a concert
or outdoors festival, then this is the right place to find information about the singers or bands that may fill your need.
Our story
The Delta Blues Promotions heard the cry in the wilderness that there were no good Blues out there,and we also
heard the moans and groans of the musicians that gigs were hard to find, or not there.The Delta Blues Promotions
took a good look around the Mississippi Delta and found that there are musicians who are laboring in relatively
obscurity,and that there are venues looking for musicians to entertain the bluesacholics,so the Delta Blues Promotions
decided to try and bring these elements together in one neat package, a clearing house of Blues,soul,rhythm and blues
if you will. Now, the Delta Blues is on a mission from the Blues to take these musicians out to the world, or bring the world
to them.