The Blues is deep rooted in the Mississippi Delta. The roots of soul , rhythm and Blues are also in the
Mississippi Delta.From the Mississippi Delta there is Ike Turner, Jerry Butler, Sam Cooke, Oliver Sain, Tyrone Davis,John
Lee Hooker,Howlin' Wolf, Little Milton, B.B. King, Muddy Waters ,Mary Wilson,Betty Everett, Willie Clayton,Travis Haddix,and
Denise LaSale to name a few of the greats. What they have in common they all more than likely grew up in small
country shacks, and that is what Nita's Blues Shack is all about, the Blues,soul and rhythm and Blues from those humble shacks.
Nita's Blues Shack is a way to pay homeage to the Mississippi Delta Blues. For a more intimate look at the real soul of Mississippi
Blues,soul and rhythm and blues click on any one of the links below.
Delta Blues Connection
Malaco Music group
Ground Zero Blues Club
Junior's Juke Joint
Rhythm & Blues Revues